§ 40-1-15 Reimbursement to health center. The director shall reimburse certain health centers at a rate of twenty-fourdollars ($24.00) per patient visit for physician services including casemanagement. In accordance with the state Medicaid plan as provided in chapter 8of this title, any rules or regulations as established in accordance with§ 40-8-13, calling for a lower rate per patient visit, shall be raised toconform to the new rate as set forth above. For the purpose of this section,the reimbursement fee shall apply only to the following health centers:
(1) Providence Ambulatory Health Care Foundation,
(2) Health Services, Inc. of Woonsocket,
(3) Blackstone Valley Community Action,
(4) Cranston Health and Family Planning Center,
(5) East Providence Community Health Center,
(6) New Visions of Newport County,
(7) Tri-Town Health Center,
(8) Warwick Community Health Center,
(9) Chad Brown Health Center,
(10) Health Center of South County,
(11) North Kingstown Regional Health Center, and
(12) Pawtucket Neighborhood Health Center.