§ 40-11-6 Report by physicians of abuse orneglect. (a) When any physician or duly certified registered nurse practitioner hascause to suspect that a child brought to him or her or coming to him or her forexamination, care, or treatment, is an abused or neglected child as defined inthis chapter, or when he or she determines that a child under the age of twelve(12) years is suffering from any sexually transmitted disease, he or she shallreport the incident or cause a report thereof to be made to the department asprovided in subsection (b).
(b) An immediate oral report shall be made by telephone orotherwise, to both the department and law enforcement agency, and shall befollowed by a report, in writing, to the department and law enforcement agencyexplaining the extent and nature of the abuse or neglect the child is allegedto have suffered.
(c) The department, upon receipt of such a report by a personother than a physician or duly certified registered nurse practitioner allegingthat a child has been physically abused, shall investigate the report, and ifthe investigation reveals evidence of physical or sexual abuse, the departmentshall have the child examined by a licensed physician or duly certifiedregistered nurse practitioner. Any child protective investigator shall, with orwithout the consent of the parent or other person responsible for the child'swelfare, have the right to remove the child from the place where the child maybe to secure the examination required by this subsection. Upon completion ofthe examination, it shall be mandatory for the physician or duly certifiedregistered nurse practitioner to make a written report of his or her findingsto the department.