§ 40-19.1-1 Coordination of teen pregnancyprevention among state agencies. (a) Whereas, the department of human services, department of health, departmentof elementary and secondary education and department of children, youth, andfamilies all have responsibility for teen pregnancy education and preventionprograms, and recognizing that teen pregnancy is a multi-faceted issuerequiring a comprehensive approach and long-term coordinated activities amongfederal, state and local agencies; and
Whereas, the federal Personal Responsibility and WorkOpportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 [P.L. 104-193] encouragesstates to establish goals and take action to prevent and reduce the incidenceof out-of-wedlock pregnancies, with special emphasis on teen pregnancies, andincluding programs for men; and
Whereas, the nation's social costs of teen pregnancy andtoo-early childbearing are seven billion dollars ($7,000,000,000) annually;
The general assembly hereby authorizes and directs thedirector of department of human services, the director of the department ofhealth, the director of the department of children, youth, and families, andthe commissioner of elementary and secondary education to develop acomprehensive statewide plan to prevent and reduce the incidence of unintendedpregnancies among adolescents and to structure and coordinate primary pregnancyprevention health care services and educational programs for at riskadolescents as outlined in the plan. Such plan shall:
(1) Include numerical goals for calendar years 1998 through2005 which demonstrates a reduction in the incidence of unintended adolescentpregnancy, especially among at-risk teens;
(2) Identify current and future federal and state fundingsources for adolescent pregnancy prevention;
(3) Identify current programs providing pregnancy preventioneducation for teens;
(4) Incorporate successful primary prevention strategies andprograms proven to be effective in reducing unintended adolescent pregnancies.These shall include, but not be limited to, life and educational goal programs,parental education and involvement, comprehensive abstinence education andassertiveness training skills, peer education and abstinence training for peereducators, after-school programs that offer tutoring, substance abuse, sexualabuse and self-esteem education and male mentors for at-risk male youth, andidentification and development of health care services accessible toadolescents for the purpose of primary pregnancy prevention. A list shall bemade available to the public naming these primary prevention programs andservices which are available throughout the state.
(5) Establish numerical goals that designate male involvementin pregnancy prevention and sexual responsibility education programs that shallincorporate educational involvement from local and state law enforcementofficials to address child support, and sexual assault laws and penalties;
(6) Include specific programs to identify and educate at-riskteens before they become sexually active;
(7) Identify and access financial resources for teacherstraining in the areas of family life and sexuality education for teachers, K-12in elementary and secondary schools.
(8) Establish community and local involvement in thestatewide planning effort and development of primary prevention services andeducational programs for adolescents, especially in the maternal and childhealth planning areas of the state with high rates of teenage pregnancy.Organizations and individuals chosen for this shall represent the diversity oftheir communities including, but not limited to age, youth, gender, race,culture and ethnicity.
(b) The director of the department of human services,director of the department of health, the director of the department ofchildren, youth, and families, and commissioner of elementary and secondaryeducation shall select a teen pregnancy prevention plan coordinator fromexisting staff who will convene designated representatives by September 1, 1997to develop the plan, and who will report its findings and recommendationsthereof and any requests for extension to the general assembly no later thanJanuary 15, 1998 and in six (6) month intervals thereafter.