§ 40-2-1 Records of institution residents Reports of injury or death Communications to department. The department of human services shall keep a record showing the name,residence, sex, age, nativity, occupation, condition, and date of entrance orcommitment of every inmate, patient, or pupil in the several institutions underthe control of the department; the date, cause, and terms of discharge and thecondition of the persons at the time of leaving, and also all transfers fromone institution to another, and if any inmate, patient, or pupil dies, the dateand cause of death. These and such other facts as the department may from timeto time require shall be furnished by the managing officer of each institutionto the director of the department of human services within twenty-four (24)hours after the commitment, entrance, death, or discharge of any inmate,patient, or pupil. In case of an accident, injury, or death under peculiarcircumstances of an inmate, patient, or pupil, the managing officer shall makea special report within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter to the director,giving the circumstances of the injury or death as fully as possible. Therecord shall be accessible only to the director of the department, and theofficers, agents, and employees thereof, except by permission of the directoror upon order of the governor or of a judge of a court of record. Whenever itis required by law that a notice, order or other communication be made to thedepartment, it shall be a sufficient compliance with the law if the notice,order, or other communication is made to the director of human services.