§ 40-20-1 Long-term care plan and budget. The directors of the department of human services, the department of elderlyaffairs, the department of health, and the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals shall develop a five (5) year Rhode Island long-termcare plan and recommended budget prior to January 1, 1998. In developing theplan, the directors shall seek input and comment from members of the public,consumers and providers. The plan shall be based on the goals and objectivesset forth in the long-term care coordinating council's "Long-Term Care Plan forRhode Island: 1995-2000" and shall incorporate at least the following:
(a) Guiding principles:
(1) Address and promote physical, mental, and psycho-socialwell-being.
(2) Allow consumers to choose less restrictive and more costeffective and appropriate settings for care.
(3) Place emphasis on consumer choice and satisfaction.
(4) Strive to insure that all services are available asappropriate to needs and resources.
(5) Base the plan on consumer needs, not provider needs.
(6) Recognize that cost effectiveness, efficiency, andquality of life are important to public and private pay consumers.
(b) Essential elements:
(1) A long-term care coordinator responsible for assistingpersons to access long-term care services shall be available to all communities.
(2) A uniform screening and assessment shall be conducted foranyone seeking state funded long-term care assistance. The assessment shall beavailable to private pay consumers as well.
(3) A consumer long-term care information system shall bedeveloped in collaboration with the long-term care coordinating council.