§ 40-5.2-30 Fraudulently obtainingassistance. Any person who, by any fraudulent device, obtains or attempts to obtain publicassistance pursuant to this chapter to which he or she is not entitled, or whowillfully fails to report income or resources as provided in this chapter,shall be guilty of larceny and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished byimprisonment of not more than five (5) years and by a fine of not more than onethousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) or both, if the value of the publicassistance to which he or she is not entitled shall exceed five hundred dollars($500) or by imprisonment by less than one year or by a fine of not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500) or by both, if the value of the public assistanceto which he or she is not entitled shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500).