§ 40-5.2-4 Collaboration between thedepartment of human services and the department of labor and training. (a) The department of human services, through the Rhode Island Works Program,in collaboration with the department of labor and training, shall promoteeconomic independence and help maintain and strengthen family life by enablingpersons with dependent children to assume responsibility for their familiesthrough the dignity of work.
(b) The department of labor and training, the lead agencyresponsible for employment, job training and workforce development services forthe State of Rhode Island, is hereby authorized to establish and provideintensive employment services to cash assistance recipients in accordance withstate and federal law, regulation and funding.
(c) The intensive employment services authorized by thissection shall include, but are not limited to, the provision of job skillassessment including assessment of English literacy and numeracy, jobcounseling, job testing, job matching, supervised job search, job development,job readiness services beyond those currently available through federalauthority. Through the intensive employment services the department shallidentify physical and mental challenges that indicate the participant should bereferred to the Office of Rehabilitative Services (ORS) for development of arehabilitation employment plan and/or that require accommodations in securingemployment. The intensive employment services shall also include an employeroutreach program to encourage the employment of Rhode Island Works Programparticipants in the private sector and to disseminate information regardingboth federal and state tax credit programs for which public assistancerecipients are eligible.
(d) The intensive employment services shall help participantsidentify strengths, barriers, and employment opportunities taking into accountthe participant's work readiness and employment history as well as vocationaltraining that can increase the participant's earning ability. The department oflabor and training shall provide personnel qualified to manage and overseestructured job search activities of program participants that result inemployment, including part-time, at or above the state minimum wage, as quicklyas possible, and/or within the time frames permissible under federal guidelinesapplicable to the Works Program cash assistance program.
(e) Intensive employment services shall be delivered jointlythrough co-location of staff from the department of labor and training and thedepartment of human services; with primary activities being provided throughoutthe State's One Stop Career Centers. Where such Centers are not accessible toRhode Island Work participants, the department of labor and training and thedepartment of human services shall work in collaboration to identifyalternative sites.
(f) The department of human services and the department oflabor and training are hereby authorized to operate or contract for workreadiness activities and intensive work readiness activities for thoseindividuals whose employment plan includes participation in such activities.Work readiness activities are of limited duration, and are designed to helpprepare participants for work by assuring that participants are familiar withgeneral workplace expectations and exhibit work behavior and attitudesnecessary to compete successfully in the labor market. To the extentpracticable, work readiness activities should involve supervised community workexperience or unpaid work experiences in the private sector. Intensive workreadiness services include activities that are designed to prepare participantswho have limited literacy and work history with the minimum skills necessary toachieve entry level employment.
(g) The department of labor and training and the departmentof human services may collaborate on the delivery of short-term trainingvouchers for parents/participants approved for such service, the development ofunpaid work experience and community service programs, and the oversight of anyperformance-based work programs which are subcontracted to meet the specialneeds of hard-to-employ parents/participants who receive temporary cashassistance under this chapter.
(h) If during intensive employment services, aparent/participant in the program is assessed as being more likely to succeedin competitive employment if first provided a short-term intensiveintervention, the department of human services and the department of labor andtraining staff may jointly define next steps.
(i) The Rhode Island department of labor and training shallcontinuously survey employers in the state to identify employment positions forpersons eligible for family assistance.
(j) The department of human services and the department oflabor and training shall establish performance standards for the intensiveemployment services available through the Works Program to ensure that thegoals of this act are met and that the State meets the federal workparticipation requirements.