§ 40-5.2-6 Goals. The Rhode Island Works Program shall strive to:
(a) Eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of poverty onfamilies and children by fostering employment and opportunity as a means toeconomic independence;
(b) Assist participants to gain employment as rapidly aspossible, given due consideration to individual circumstances, labor marketconditions, the needs of the dependent children for continuing care andprotection, and the ultimate goal of long-term economic independence;
(c) Eliminate the stigma of welfare by promoting a philosophyand a perception that the purpose of welfare is to eliminate or reduce theharmful effects of poverty on families and children by promoting workopportunities for all Rhode Island residents;
(d) Support and coordinate with activities that promoteself-sufficiency and strengthen family life;
(e) Provide a comprehensive support service package thatincludes: child support, medical assistance, food stamps, child care,transportation, and other support services necessary to promote economicindependence;
(f) Promote successful transition from public assistance toemployment and reduce the likelihood that participants will need to return tocash assistance through the provision of job readiness activities, employmentrelated skills training, and education activities concurrently with or asnecessary, prior to employment or seeking employment, family support skills,and follow-up services for problem resolution and job advancement;
(g) Develop partnerships through the joint efforts of thedepartment of labor and training and the department of human services withemployers to create job opportunities and meet the needs of both employers andparticipants;
(h) Develop partnerships with the Office of Adult Educationto provide full-time intensive work readiness services to participants withlimited literacy and work experience as well as part-time adult educationservices that are accessible to working participants so they can increase theirearning ability;
(i) Provide a program where it is more advantageous to workthan not to work by rewarding self-sufficiency; and
(j) Implement a program that is clear, focused, and simple toadminister.