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§ 40-5.2-8 - Definitions.

SECTION 40-5.2-8

   § 40-5.2-8  Definitions. – (a) As used in this chapter, the following terms having the meanings set forthherein, unless the context in which such terms are used clearly indicates tothe contrary:

   (1) "Applicant" means a person who has filed a writtenapplication for assistance for herself/himself and her/his dependentchild(ren). An applicant may be a parent or non parent caretaker relative.

   (2) "Assistance" means cash and any other benefits providedpursuant to this chapter.

   (3) "Assistance Unit" means the assistance filing unitconsisting of the group of persons, including the dependent child(ren),livingtogether in a single household who must be included in the application forassistance and in the assistance payment if eligibility is established. Anassistance unit may be the same as a family.

   (4) "Benefits" shall mean assistance received pursuant tothis chapter.

   (5) "Community Service Programs" means structured programsand activities in which cash assistance recipients perform work for the directbenefit of the community under the auspices of public or nonprofitorganizations. Community service programs are designed to improve theemployability of recipients not otherwise able to obtain paid employment.

   (6) "Department" means the department of human services.

   (7) "Dependent Child" means an individual, other than anindividual with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are made, whois: (A) under the age of eighteen (18); or (B) under the age of nineteen (19)and a full-time student in a secondary school (or in the equivalent level ofvocational or educational training), if before he or she attains age nineteen(19), he or she may reasonably be expected to complete the program of suchsecondary school (or such training).

   (8) "Director" means the director of the department of humanservices.

   (9) "Earned income" means income in cash or the equivalentreceived by a person through the receipt of wages, salary, commissions, orprofit from activities in which the person is self-employed or as an employeeand before any deductions for taxes.

   (10) "Earned income tax credit" means the credit againstfederal personal income tax liability under § 32 of the Internal RevenueCode of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 32, or any successor section, the advancedpayment of the earned income tax credit to an employee under § 3507 of thecode, 26 U.S.C. § 3507, or any successor section and any refund receivedas a result of the earned income tax credit, as well as any refundable stateearned income tax credit.

   (11) "Education directly related to employment" meanseducation, in the case of a participant who has not received a high schooldiploma or a certificate of high school equivalency, related to a specificoccupation, job, or job offer.

   (12) "Family" means: (A) a pregnant woman from and includingthe seventh month of her pregnancy; or (B) a child and the following eligiblepersons living in the same household as the child: (C) each biological,adoptive or stepparent of the child, or in the absence of a parent, any adultrelative who is responsible, in fact, for the care of such child; and (D) thechild's minor siblings (whether of the whole or half blood); provided, however,that the term "family" shall not include any person receiving benefits undertitle XVI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq. A familymay be the same as the assistance unit.

   (13) "Gross earnings" means earnings from employment andself-employment further described in the department of human services rules andregulations.

   (14) "Individual Employment Plan" means a written,individualized plan for employment developed jointly by the applicant and thedepartment of human services that specifies the steps the participant shalltake toward long-term economic independence developed in accordance withsubsection 40-5.2-10(e). A participant must comply with the terms of theindividual employment plan as a condition of eligibility in accordance withsubsection 40-5.2-10(e) of this chapter.

   (15) "Job Search and Job Readiness" means the mandatory actof seeking or obtaining employment by the participant, or the preparation toseek or obtain employment.

   In accord with federal requirements, job search activitiesmust be supervised by the department of labor and training and must be reportedto the department of human services in accordance with TANF work verificationrequirements.

   Except in the context of rehabilitation employment plans, andspecial services provided by the department of children, youth and families,job search and job readiness activities are limited to four (4) consecutiveweeks, or for a total of six (6) weeks in a twelve (12) month period, withlimited exceptions as defined by the department. The department of humanservices in consultation with the department of labor and training shall extendjob search, and job readiness assistance for up to twelve (12) weeks in afiscal year if a state has an unemployment rate at least fifty percent (50%)greater than the United States unemployment rate if the state meets thedefinition of a "needy state" under the contingency fund provisions of federallaw.

   Preparation to seek employment, or job readiness, mayinclude, but may not be limited to, the participant obtaining life skillstraining, homelessness services, domestic violence services, special servicesfor families provided by the department of children youth and families,substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, or rehabilitationactivities as appropriate for those who are otherwise employable. Suchservices, treatment or therapy must be determined to be necessary and certifiedby a qualified medical or mental health professional. Intensive work readinessservices may include work-based literacy, numeracy, hands-on training, workexperience and case management services. Nothing in this section shall beinterpreted to mean that the department of labor and training shall be the soleprovider of job readiness activities described herein.

   (16) "Job skills training directly related to employment"means training or education for job skills required by an employer to providean individual with the ability to obtain employment or to advance or adapt tothe changing demands of the workplace. Job skills training directly related toemployment must be supervised on an ongoing basis.

   (17) "Net income" means the total gross income of theassistance unit less allowable disregards and deductions as described insubsection 40-5.2-10(g).

   (18) "Minor parent" means a parent under the age of eighteen(18). A minor parent may be an applicant or recipient with his or her dependentchild(ren) in his/her own case or a member of an assistance unit with his orher dependent child(ren) in a case established by the minor parent's parent.

   (19) "On-the-job-training" means training in the public orprivate sector that is given to a paid employee while he or she is engaged inproductive work and that provides knowledge and skills essential to the fulland adequate performance of the job. On-the-job training must be supervised byan employer, work site sponsor, or other designee of the department of humanservices on an ongoing basis.

   (20) "Participant" means a person who has been found eligiblefor assistance in accordance with this chapter and who must comply with allrequirements of this chapter, and has entered into an individual employmentplan. A participant may be a parent or non-parent caretaker relative includedin the cash assistance payment.

   (21) "Recipient" means a person who has been found eligibleand receives cash assistance in accordance with this chapter.

   (22) "Relative" means a parent, stepparent, grandparent,great grandparent, great-great grandparent, aunt, great aunt, great-great aunt,uncle, great-uncle, great-great uncle, sister, brother, stepbrother,stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, first cousin, first cousin once removed,niece, great niece, great-great niece, nephew, great nephew, or great-greatnephew.

   (23) "Resident" means a person who maintains residence by hisor her continuous physical presence in the state.

   (24) "Self-employment income" means the total profit from abusiness enterprise, farming, etc., resulting from a comparison of the grossreceipts with the business expenses, i.e., expenses directly related toproducing the goods or services and without which the goods or services couldnot be produced. However, items such as depreciation, personal business andentertainment expenses, and personal transportation are not considered businessexpenses for the purposes of determining eligibility for cash assistance inaccordance with this chapter.

   (25) "State" means the State of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations.

   (26) "Subsidized employment" means employment in the privateor public sectors for which the employer receives a subsidy from TANF or otherpublic funds to offset some or all of the wages and costs of employing arecipient. It includes work in which all or a portion of the wages paid to therecipient are provided to the employer either as a reimbursement for the extracosts of training or as an incentive to hire the recipient, including, but notlimited to, grant diversion.

   (27) "Subsidized housing" means housing for a family whoserent is restricted to a percentage of its income.

   (28) "Unsubsidized employment" means full or part-timeemployment in the public or private sector that is not subsidized by TANF orany other public program.

   (29) "Vocational Educational Training" means organizededucational programs, not to exceed twelve (12) months with respect to anyparticipant, that are directly related to the preparation of participants foremployment in current or emerging occupations. Vocational educational trainingmust be supervised.

   (30) "Work experience" means a work activity that provides aparticipant with an opportunity to acquire the general skills, training,knowledge, and work habits necessary to obtain employment. The purpose of workexperience is to improve the employability of those who cannot findunsubsidized employment. An employer, work site sponsor, and/or otherappropriate designee of the department must supervise this activity.

   (31) "Work Supplementation" also known as "Grant Diversion"means the use of all or a portion of a participant's cash assistance grant andfood stamp grant as a wage supplement to an employer. Such a supplement shallbe limited to a maximum period of twelve (12) months. An employer must agree tocontinue the employment of the participant as part of the regular work force,beyond the supplement period, if the participant demonstrates satisfactoryperformance.

   (32) "Work Activities" mean the specific work requirementswhich must be defined in the individual employment plan and must be compliedwith by the participant as a condition of eligibility for the receipt of cashassistance for single and two (2) family households outlined in §40-5.2-12 of this chapter.

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