§ 40-6.3-1 Bonus program. The director of human services (hereinafter referred to as the "director")shall implement a cash bonus program for one year for welfare recipients whohave been receiving aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) for a periodof at least thirty (30) consecutive months next prior to the effective date ofthis chapter. The recipients agree to forego all welfare benefits of whatevernature and return to full-time employment, except any medical assistancecoverage in conformity with rules and regulations promulgated by the director.The program shall be limited to the first one hundred (100) recipients whochoose to participate and are otherwise qualified. Applications for the bonusprogram will be accepted commencing thirty (30) days after the start of thestate's fiscal year and terminating ninety (90) days after the start of thestate's fiscal year or as soon as the first one hundred (100) recipients havebeen qualified for acceptance into the program.