§ 40-6.5-2 Rules and regulations. The director shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations establishingeligibility requirements, and provide that at least fifty percent (50%) of thetotal grant funds available be distributed to nonprofit agencies that meet thefollowing standards:
(a) Each grantee shall employ, educate, or train significantnumbers of parents whose incomes are below the statewide median family income;
(b) Each grantee shall demonstrate a need for additionalchild day care services in their service delivery area; and
(c) In selecting additional grantees for the remainder of theavailable funds, priority shall be given to grant proposals which woulddevelop: (1) child day care programs and opportunities for children withspecial health care needs; and (2) specialized child care programs such asprograms for parents who work non-traditional hours and programs for sick childcare. All grantees must demonstrate that child care services established underthis child care grant program will be certified or licensed in accordance withRhode Island law.