§ 40-6-10 Effects of assistance on receiptof workers' compensation benefits. (a) No individual shall be entitled to receive assistance provided under thischapter or chapter 5.1 of this title and/or medical assistance under chapter 8of this title for any period beginning on or after July 1, 1982, with respectto which benefits are paid or payable to individuals under any workers'compensation law of this state, any other state, or the federal government, onaccount of any disability caused by accident or illness. In the event thatworkers' compensation benefits are subsequently awarded to an individual withrespect to which the individual has received assistance payments under thischapter or chapter 5.1 of this title and/or medical assistance under chapter 8of this title, then the department shall be subrogated to the individual'srights in the award to the extent of the amount of the payments and/or medicalassistance paid to or on behalf of the individuals.
(b) Whenever an employer or insurance carrier has beennotified by the department that an individual is an applicant for or arecipient of assistance payments under this chapter or chapter 5.1 of thistitle, and/or medical assistance under chapter 8 of this title, for a periodduring which the individual is or may be eligible for benefits under theWorkers' Compensation Act, chapters 2938 of title 28, the notice shallconstitute a lien in favor of the department, upon any pending award, order, orsettlement to the individual under the Workers' Compensation Act. The employeror his or her insurance carrier shall be required to reimburse the departmentof human services the amount of the assistance payments and/or medicalassistance paid to or on behalf of the individual for any period for which anaward, order, or settlement is made.
(c) Whenever an individual becomes entitled to or is awardedworkers' compensation for the same period with respect to which the individualhas received assistance payments under this chapter or chapter 5.1 of thistitle and/or medical assistance under chapter 8 of this title, and whenevernotice of the receipt of assistance payments has been given to the division ofworkers' compensation of the department of labor and training of this stateand/or the workers' compensation commission, the division or commission ishereby required to and shall incorporate in any award, order, or approval ofsettlement, an order requiring the employer or his or her insurance carrier toreimburse the department the amount of the assistance payments and/or medicalassistance paid to or on behalf of the individual for the period for which anaward, order, or settlement is made.