§ 40-6-12.1 Warrants Release ofinformation. (a) The department of human services shall provide to the statewide warrantsquad the current address of any individual if all of the following conditionsare met:
(1) There is an outstanding arrest warrant or body attachmentissued by a state court in Rhode Island for the individual; and
(2) The individual is a fugitive felon as defined by thedepartment in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 608(a)(9); and
(3) The individual is receiving general public assistance, orcash assistance under chapter 5.1 of this title either for themselves or theirdependents; and
(4) The law enforcement officer seeking the informationcertifies in writing that an attempt by the warrant squad to locate andapprehend that individual has been unsuccessful; and
(5) The warrant squad provides the department the name, dateof birth, and social security number of the individual.
(b) If all the above conditions are met, the department shallrelease the address upon the request and certification of such officer, and arelease pursuant to this section shall not constitute a violation of§§ 40-6-12, 40-5.1-31 or 38-2-2(4).