§ 40-6-21.1 Voluntary acknowledgement ofpaternity Hospital-based program. (a) The department of human services is authorized and directed to establish,in accordance with the requirements of title 466(a)(5) of the Social SecurityAct, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(5), a hospital-based program for the voluntaryacknowledgement of paternity during the period immediately preceding orfollowing the birth of a child. The department of human services shall requireall public and private birthing hospitals in this state as defined herein, toparticipate in the hospital-based paternity acknowledgement program and toprovide such services, materials and reports as may be required by federal lawand regulations. The program must be operational in hospitals no later thanJanuary 1, 1995. The department is authorized to promulgate such rules andregulations necessary to implement the hospital-based program and to enter intocooperative agreements with other state agencies to effectuate the program.
(b) The requirement for participation in the program byhospitals is in addition to the birth registration requirements under chapter 3of title 23; provided, however, that the department of human services shallwork in cooperation with the department of health, registrar of vital records,to avoid duplication of obligations imposed on such hospitals to the extentpermitted by federal law and regulations.
(c) The term "birthing hospital" means a hospital that has alicensed obstetric care unit or is licensed to provide obstetric services, or alicensed birthing center associated with a hospital. A birthing center is afacility outside a hospital that provides maternity services.