§ 40-6-3.10 Funeral and burial expenses. (a) The department may provide for vendor payment of reasonable funeral andburial expenses of deceased residents of this state who are found eligible inaccordance with rules and regulations of the department. The department shall,from time to time, establish cost standards for the reasonable funeral andburial expenses, which cost standards shall establish the maximum amountpayable by this department for the expenses and the maximum total allowablefuneral and burial costs. The amount payable under this section shall bedetermined with due regard to the income and resources of the deceased and hisor her legally-liable relatives, if any, and shall be reduced dollar-for-dollarby contributions of friends or other kindred in excess of the maximum totalallowable funeral and burial costs established by the department.
(b) Application for payment of funeral and burial expensesshall be made on behalf of a decedent before final funeral arrangements with afuneral director are concluded. Provided, that any legally liable relativeand/or agent of the decedent may make an application under this section withinthirty (30) days after the death of the decedent.
(c) In determining either eligibility for benefits and/or theamount of any reduction in benefits paid under this section, the departmentshall exclude any of the following forms of income:
(1) veterans' benefits; and/or
(2) social security lump sum benefits.
(d) The department's standard basic allowance payment shallbe set at nine hundred dollars ($900).
(e) The amount of the contribution which friends or otherkindred, except for legally-liable relatives, may make for upgraded servicesand merchandise, without affecting eligibility for the basic allowance, shallbe set at one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600).
(f) Whenever the person having custody of an unclaimeddeceased body as specified in § 23-18.1-1 contacts the department of humanservices to report the unclaimed body of a deceased person, the departmentshall deem this referral as an application of payment for funeral and burialexpenses, and the department shall process that application in accordance withthe provisions of this section.
(g) In the event that the department determines that theunclaimed deceased body is not eligible for a vendor payment of reasonablefuneral and burial expenses because of the availability of the decedent'sassets, the director of the department may nonetheless authorize the burial ofthe person and he or she may notify the specified funeral home of the existenceof the decedent's assets.