§ 40-8.10-3 Levels of care. (a) The secretary of the executive office of health and human services shallcoordinate responsibilities for long-term care assessment in accordance withthe provisions of this chapter within the department of human services, andwith the cooperation of the directors of the department of elderly affairs, thedepartment of children, youth and families, and the department of mentalhealth, retardation and hospitals. Assessments conducted by each department'sstaff shall be coordinated through the Assessment Coordination Unit (ACU).Members of each department's staff responsible for assessing level of care,developing care plans, and determining budgets will meet on a regular basis inorder to ensure that services are provided in a uniform and consistent manner.Importance shall be placed upon the proper and consistent determination oflevels of care across the state departments for each long-term care setting,including behavioral health residential treatment facilities, long-term carehospitals, intermediate care facilities, and/or skilled nursing facilities.Three (3) appropriate plans of care that meet the needs of the individualMedicaid recipients shall be coordinated and consistent across all statedepartments. The development of care plans shall be person-centered and shallsupport individual self-determination, family involvement, when appropriate,individual choice and interdepartmental collaboration.
(b) Levels of care for long-term care institutions(behavioral health residential treatment facilities, long-term care hospitals,intermediate care facilities and/or skilled nursing facilities), for whichalternative community-based services and supports are available, shall beestablished pursuant to the § 40-8.9-9. The structure of the three (3)levels of care is as follows:
(i) Highest level of care. Individuals who aredetermined, based on medical need, to require the institutional level of carewill have the choice to receive services in a long-term care institution or ina home and community-based setting.
(ii) High level of care. Individuals who aredetermined, based on medical need, to benefit from home and community-basedservices.
(iii) Preventive level of care. Individuals who do notpresently need an institutional level of care but who need services targeted atpreventing admission, re-admissions or reducing lengths of stay in aninstitution.
(c) Determinations of levels of care and the provision oflong term care health services shall be determined in accordance with thissection and shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of §40-8.9-9.