§ 40-8.2-19 Certification as a provider Revocation or suspension of certification. Before any provider of medical services receives payment from the Rhode IslandMedicaid program, and as a condition of receipt of payment, the provider musthave in effect a valid certification of eligibility from the Rhode Islanddepartment of human services. This certification of eligibility will take theform of either a separate provider agreement or language as required by federalregulations imprinted on the medical assistance billing form, which must besigned by the provider. This certification may be revoked or suspended, inaccordance with administrative rules to be promulgated by the department, if aprovider fails to meet professional licensure requirements, violates anyadministrative regulations of the Rhode Island Medicaid program, does notprovide proper professional services, is the subject of a suspension ofpayments order, is convicted of Medicaid fraud, or otherwise violates anyprovision of this chapter.