§ 40-8.3-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Base year" means for the purpose of calculating adisproportionate share payment for any fiscal year ending after September 30,2007, the period from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006, and for anyfiscal year ending after September 30, 2008, the period from October 1, 2006through September 30, 2007.
(2) "Medical assistance inpatient utilization rate for ahospital" means a fraction (expressed as a percentage) the numerator of whichis the hospital's number of inpatient days during the base year attributable topatients who were eligible for medical assistance during the base year and thedenominator of which is the total number of the hospital's inpatient days inthe base year.
(3) "Participating hospital" means any nongovernment andnonpsychiatric hospital that: (i) was licensed as a hospital in accordance withchapter 17 of title 23 during the base year; (ii) achieved a medical assistanceinpatient utilization rate of at least one percent (1%) during the base year;and (iii) continues to be licensed as a hospital in accordance with chapter 17of title 23 during the payment year.
(4) "Uncompensated care costs" means, as to any hospital, thesum of: (i) the cost incurred by such hospital during the base year forinpatient or outpatient services attributable to charity care (free care andbad debts) for which the patient has no health insurance or other third-partycoverage less payments, if any, received directly from such patients; and (ii)the cost incurred by such hospital during the base year for inpatient orout-patient services attributable to Medicaid beneficiaries less any Medicaidreimbursement received therefor; multiplied by the uncompensated care index.
(5) "Uncompensated care index" means the annual percentageincrease for hospitals established pursuant to § 27-19-14 for each yearafter the base year, up to and including the payment year, provided, however,that the uncompensated care index for the payment year ending September 30,2007 shall be deemed to be five and thirty-eight hundredths percent (5.38%),and that the uncompensated care index for the payment year ending September 30,2008 shall be deemed to be five and forty-seven hundredths percent (5.47%), andthat the uncompensated care index for the payment year ending September 30,2009 shall be deemed to be five and thirty-eight hundredths percent (5.38%),and that the uncompensated care index for the payment year ending September 30,2010 shall be deemed to be five and thirty hundredths percent (5.30%).