§ 40-8.3-3 Implementation. (a) For the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2007 and ending September 30,2008, the department of human services shall submit to the Secretary of theU.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state plan amendment to theRhode Island Medicaid state plan for disproportionate share hospital payments(DSH Plan) to provide:
(1) Disproportionate share hospital payments to allparticipating hospitals not to exceed an aggregate limit of $99.5 million, tobe allocated by the department to the Pool A, Pool C and Pool D components ofthe DSH Plan;
(2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among theparticipating hospitals in direct proportion to the individual participatinghospitals uncompensated care costs for the base year inflated by theuncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the baseyear inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. Thedisproportionate share payments shall be made on or before July 14, 2008 andare expressly conditioned upon approval on or before July 7, 2008 the Secretaryof the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or his or her authorizedrepresentative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary to secure forthe state the benefit of federal financial participation in federal fiscal year2008 for the disproportionate share payments.
(b) For the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2008 andending September 30, 2009, the department of human services shall submit to theSecretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state planamendment to the Rhode Island Medicaid state plan for disproportionate sharehospital payments (DSH Plan) to provide:
(1) That the disproportionate share hospital payments to allparticipating hospitals not to exceed an aggregate limit of $114.7 million, tobe allocated by the department to the Pool A, Pool C and Pool D components ofthe DSH Plan;
(2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among theparticipating hospitals in direct proportion to the individual participatinghospital's uncompensated care costs for the base year, inflated by theuncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the baseyear inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. Thedisproportionate share payments shall be made on or before July 13, 2009 andare expressly conditioned upon approval on or before July 6, 2009 by theSecretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or his or herauthorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary tosecure for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federalfiscal year 2009 for the disproportionate share payments.
(c) For the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2009 andending September 30, 2010, the department of human services shall submit to theSecretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state planamendment to the Rhode Island Medicaid state plan for disproportionate sharehospital payments (DSH Plan) to provide:
(1) That the disproportionate share hospital payments to allparticipating hospitals not to exceed an aggregate limit of $117.8 million, tobe allocated by the department to the Pool A, Pool C and Pool D components ofthe DSH Plan;
(2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among theparticipating hospitals in direct proportion to the individual participatinghospital's uncompensated care costs for the base year, inflated by theuncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the baseyear inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. Thedisproportionate share payments shall be made on or before July 12, 2010 andare expressly conditioned upon approval on or before July 5, 2010 by theSecretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or his or herauthorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary tosecure for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federalfiscal year 2010 for the disproportionate share payments.
(d) No provision is made pursuant to this chapter fordisproportionate share hospital payments to participating hospitals foruncompensated care costs related to graduate medical education programs.