§ 40-8.4-2 Purpose. It is the intent of the general assembly to continue to meet the goalestablished in 1993 pursuant to § 42-12.3-1 to assure access tocomprehensive health care by providing or creating access to health insuranceto all Rhode Islanders who are uninsured. Over the course of several years,health insurance through the RIte Care program has been extended to pregnantwomen and children living in families whose income is less than two hundredfifty percent (250%) of the federal poverty level. Many of the parents of thesechildren are uninsured and without the means to purchase health insurance.Federal funds are available to help pay for health insurance for low-incomefamilies through the medical assistance program under § 1931 of Title XIXof the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396u-1, which de-links medicalassistance from cash assistance and allows for expanded income and resourcemethodologies. It is the intent of the general assembly, therefore, toimplement § 1931 of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and in additionto provide expanded access to health insurance for eligible families. Federalfunds for some children and pregnant women may also be available under TitleXXI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1397aa et seq., and it isfurther the intent of the general assembly to access these funds as appropriateand as authorized in accordance with the legal authority provided by theChildren's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA), andTitle XXI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1397 et seq.