§ 40-8.9-1 Findings. (a) The number of Rhode Islanders in need of long-term care services continuesto rise substantially, and the quality of life of these Rhode Islanders isdetermined by the capacity of the long-term care system to provide access tothe full array of services and supports required to meet their health careneeds and maintain their independence.
(b) It is in the interest of all Rhode Islanders to endorseand fund statewide efforts to build a fiscally sound, dynamic long-term caresystem that supports: consumer independence and choice; the delivery of highquality, coordinated services; the financial integrity of allparticipants-purchasers, payers, providers and consumers; and the responsibleand efficient allocation of all available public and private resources.
(c) It is in the interest of all Rhode Islanders to assurethat rates paid for community-based long-term care services are adequate toassure high quality as well as supportive of workforce recruitment andretention.
(d) It is in the interest of all Rhode Islanders to improveconsumer's access information regarding community-based alternatives toinstitutional settings of care.