§ 40-8-12 Federal approval. (a) The department is empowered and authorized to submit its plan for medicalassistance to the federal government, or any agency or department thereofhaving funds available for medical care benefits provided for in this chapter,for approval pursuant to the provisions of the federal Social Security Act, 42U.S.C. § 1396 et seq. The department shall act for the state in anynegotiations relative to the submission and approval of the plan and may makeany arrangement or changes in its plan not inconsistent with this chapter whichmay be required by the Social Security Act, or the rules and regulationspromulgated pursuant thereto, to obtain and retain the approval and to securefor this state the benefits of the provisions of the federal act relating tomedical assistance for the needy.
(b) The department shall make reports to the federalgovernment or any agency or department thereof in the form and nature requiredby it, and shall, in all respects, comply with any request or direction of thefederal government or any agency or department thereof which may be necessaryto assure the correctness and verification of the reports.