§ 40-8-13.3 Payment for services providedby in state and out of state hospitals. The department of human services and/or the secretary of executive office ofhealth and human services is hereby authorized and directed to amend its rulesand regulations and amend the Rhode Island state plan for medical assistance(Medicaid) pursuant to Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act in order toprovide for payment to hospitals for services provided to eligible recipientsin accordance with this chapter. The provisions of this section shall beeffective upon the promulgation of the amendments and new payment methodologypursuant to this section and section 40-8-13.4, which shall in any event be nolater than March 30, 2010, at which time the provisions of §§40-8-13.2, 27-19-14, 27-19-15 and 27-19-16 shall be repealed in their entirety.