§ 40-8-17 Waiver request. (a) Formation. The department of human services, in conjunction with theexecutive office of health and human services, is directed and authorized toapply for and obtain any necessary waiver(s), waiver amendment(s) and/or stateplan amendments from the secretary of the United States department of healthand human services, including, but not limited to, a § 1115(a) globaldemonstration waiver that provides program flexibility in exchange for federalbudgetary certainty and under which Rhode Island will operate all facets of thestate's Medicaid program, except as may be explicitly exempted under anyapplicable public or general laws.
(b) Effective July 1, 2009, any provision presently in effectin the Rhode Island General Laws where the department of human services, inconjunction with the executive office of health and human services, isauthorized to apply for and obtain any necessary waiver(s), waiver amendment(s)and/or state plan amendment(s) for the purpose of providing medical assistanceto recipients, shall authorize the department of human services, in conjunctionwith the executive office of health and human services, to proceed withappropriate category changes in accordance with the special terms andconditions of the Rhode Island Global Consumer Choice Compact section 1115(a)Demonstration Waiver, which became effective January 16, 2009.