§ 40-9.1-1 Declaration of policy. It is the policy of this state that:
(a) Persons who are blind, visually impaired, deaf,hard-of-hearing and otherwise disabled have the same rights as the able-bodiedto the full and free use of the streets, highways, walkways, public buildings,public facilities and other public places.
(b) Persons who are blind, visually impaired, deaf,hard-of-hearing and otherwise disabled are entitled to full and equalaccommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges on any public conveyanceoperated on land or water or in the air, or any stations and terminals thereof,not limited to taxis, airplanes, motor vehicles, railroad trains, motor buses,street cars, boats and in any educational institution, not limited to anykindergarten, primary and secondary school, trade or business school, highschool, academy, college and university, and in places of public resort,accommodation, assemblage or amusement, not limited to hotels, lodging places,restaurants, theater and in all other places to which the general public isinvited, subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law andapplicable alike to all persons.
(c) Persons who are blind, visually impaired, deaf,hard-of-hearing and otherwise disabled persons shall be entitled to rent, leaseor purchase, as other members of the general public, any housing accommodationsoffered for rent, lease or other compensation in this state, subject to theconditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to allpersons.