§ 40-9.1-1.1 Definitions. (a) "Guide dog" means a dog that has been or is being specially trained to aida particular blind or visually impaired person.
(b) "Hearing dog" means a dog that has been or is beingspecially trained to aid a particular deaf or hard-of-hearing person.
(c) "Housing accommodations" means any real property orportion thereof that is used or occupied, or intended, arranged or designed tobe used or occupied, as the home, residence or sleeping place of one or morehuman beings, but does not include any single-family residence the occupants ofwhich rent, lease or furnish for compensation to more than one room therein.
(d) "Personal assistance animal" means a dog that has been oris being trained as a guide dog, hearing dog or service dog.
(e) "Service dog" means a dog that has been or is beingspecially trained to aid a particular disabled person with a disability otherthan sight or hearing.
(f) "Disabled" means a disability as defined in §42-87-1.