§ 40-9.1-5 Family therapy pets in publicplaces. (a) The privileges of access and transportation provided to personal assistanceanimals in § 40-9.1-2 shall be extended to family therapy pets which arefurther defined as primary companions which include, but are not limited to,dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs, that are working in the provision of petassisted therapy treatment and education.
(b) The provisions are such that the pet assisted therapyfacilitator is working in conjunction with the family therapy pet in apredetermined medical or educational setting, with a selected clientele. Themedical interactions are to be individually planned, goal-oriented, andtreatment based, and the educational settings are to be classroom based.
(c) Throughout the interactions, the pet assisted therapyfacilitator and the family therapy pet will abide by a set code of ethics, andwill follow professional guidelines to ensure that the actions and deeds of thepet assisted therapy facilitator reflect advocacy of profession, pets, andclients, and other professions; while simultaneously ensuring that theinteraction of the family therapy pet and client remains beneficial and strivesto enhance the quality of life through this animal-human bond.
(d) Prior to any interactions, the family therapy pet mustfirst meet the immunization criteria, a current certificate of good health,which shall be issued by a licensed, practicing veterinarian, as well as thetemperament criteria, a certificate of good temperament, which shall be issuedfrom a certified or practicing dog trainer or animal behaviorist, and trainingcriteria, in which the pet assisted therapy facilitator and the family therapypet learn to work as a team learning together to execute safely and effectiveinteraction, which are accepted in the field, specifically other pet assistedanimal facilitators, veterinarians, dog trainers, animal behaviorists and thestate of Rhode Island.
(e) Access and transportation privileges are only extendedwhile the family therapy pet is on the way to or actively participating in aprogram.
(f) The animal assisted therapy facilitator, an individualwho has successfully completed or is in the process of completing an acceptedpet assisted therapy program, shall be responsible for the control and safetyof the pet, which is to include cleaning up and elimination of wastes, keepingthe pet on a proper leash and collar, carrying a smaller animal in a travelcrate, adhering to all standard rules, regulations, and laws within both thefacility and the state of Rhode Island, and upholding an active insurancepolicy that will cover an unforeseen mishap and/or accidental occurrence whichmay result in causing property damage and/or personal injury while activelyparticipating in a program.