§ 41-11-2 Simulcast. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 41-4-2 as to location of programsonly, a licensee may enter into a contract with any licensed racing associationto simulcast programs from the facility on certain racing days.
(b) A licensee may simulcast programs a maximum of twohundred seventy (270) days in a state fiscal calendar year.
(c) A licensee shall obtain a permit from the division ofracing and athletics.
(d) A licensee may accept pari-mutuel wagering on thesimulcast at the licensed facility and not at any other location.
(e) When the program is a dog race, the licensee shallcompensate the owners of dog kennels who are under contract with the licenseeat the time of the program. The compensation shall be equal to that percentageof the pari-mutuel handle paid to the owners pursuant to the contract thenexisting between the licensee and the owners.
(2) A licensee licensed pursuant to chapter 7 of title 41 whoreceives simulcasts of dog races intrastate shall compensate the owners of dogkennels who are under contract with a licensee licensed pursuant to chapter 3.1of title 41 at the time of the simulcast an amount equal to the percentage ofthe pari-mutuel handle being paid to the dog kennel owners pursuant to theircontracts with the licensee licensed pursuant to chapter 3.1 of title 41.