§ 41-11-3 Taxes and commissions. (a) Each licensee conducting wagering in a simulcast betting facility under thepari-mutuel system shall pay to the state, and there is hereby imposed, a taxon such programs at the rate of:
(1) Four percent (4%) of the total money wagered thereon onwin, place and show wagers;
(2) Four percent (4%) on multiple wagers therein involvingtwo (2) animals; and
(3) Five and one half percent (5.5%) on exotic wagers thereininvolving three (3) or more animals.
(b) Where the division has approved the integration of wagersplaced at the simulcast facility into similar wagering pools at a host facilitywhere the program is conducted, each licensee conducting wagering in asimulcast betting facility may retain as his or her commission an amount equalto the takeout at the host facility of which one and four tenths percent (1.4%)shall be paid to the kennel owners at facilities licensed pursuant to chapter3.1 of title 41. This tax structure shall apply to any transmission of programsbetween licensed facilities within the state. Where integration of wagers doesnot occur the division shall be:
(1) Twenty percent (20%) of the amounts wagered on win, placeand show wagers of which one and four tenths percent (1.4%) shall be paid tothe kennel owners at facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 3.1 of title 41.
(2) Twenty percent (20%) of the amounts wagered on multiplewagers involving two (2) animals of which one and four tenths percent (1.4%)shall be paid to the kennel owners at facilities licensed pursuant to chapter3.1 of title 41.
(3) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the amounts wagered onexotic wagers involving three (3) or more animals of which one and four tenthspercent (1.4%) shall be paid to the kennel owners at facilities licensedpursuant to chapter 3.1 of title 41.
(4) One half (1/2) of the breakage to the dime resulting fromthe betting shall be deposited as general revenues. The remaining breakageshall be retained by the licensee.
(c) The amount of unclaimed money which shall hereafter beheld by any licensee, on account of outstanding and uncashed winning tickets,shall, at the expiration of one year after the close of the meeting duringwhich the tickets were issued, be paid into the general fund of the state.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, money wageredon the simulcast of intrastate and interstate programs, as provided in thischapter, shall be subject only to the tax imposed in this section, and providedfurther, where there is interstate transmission of signals in accordance withnational practice, the tax shall be levied in the receiving state only.