§ 41-2-1 Board created Appointmentand removal of members. (a) Within the executive department there shall be a racing and athleticshearing board. The hearing board shall consist of three (3) members, not morethan two (2) of whom shall be members of the same political party, who shall beappointed by the governor as provided in this section. In the month of Februaryin each odd numbered year, the governor shall appoint one member of the boardto hold office until the first day of March in the sixth year after his or herappointment and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified tosucceed the member whose term will next expire.
(b) Any vacancy which may occur in the board shall be filledby appointment by the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term. Amember of the board may be removed by the governor only for cause, after beinggiven a copy of charges against him or her and an opportunity to be heardpublicly on the charges before the governor. A copy of the charges and atranscript of the record of the hearing shall be filed with the secretary ofstate.