§ 41-3-4 Application for license Action by division. (a) Any person, association, or corporation desiring to conduct horse racingwithin this state shall apply to the division of racing and athletics for alicense on forms provided by the division. The application shall specify thedays on which horse racing is to be conducted, the location of the horseracing, and such other information as may be required by the division.
(b) The division may also require any person, association, orcorporation to give information as to financial standing and credit. Thedivision shall have the right to reject any applications for a license for anycause, which it may deem sufficient, and the action of the division both as tothe license and the date or award shall be final, subject to the right ofappeal provided by chapter 2 of this title.
(c) The division shall, as far as practicable, avoidconflicts in the dates assigned or awarded for horse racing in the state.