§ 41-5-11 Physician and first aidinstructor or licensed practical nurse in attendance Examination ofparticipants before match. (a) At any boxing or sparring match or exhibition there shall be in attendance,at ringside, a duly licensed physician, whose duty it shall be to observe thephysical condition of the boxers and to advise the referee or judges withregard thereto, and a duly licensed first aid instructor, or licensed practicalnurse, whose duty it shall be to assist the physician and to render such aid toboxers as circumstances may require. Any competent physician who has had notless than three (3) years' experience as a medical practitioner may belicensed. Any person holding a valid certification as a first aid instructorissued by any state chapter of the American Red Cross association and who iscompetent as such may be licensed.
(b) The fee for the physician in attendance and the first aidinstructor in attendance, shall be fixed by the division of racing andathletics, and shall be paid by the licensee conducting the match orexhibition. The fees shall be tendered to the division at the time the licensefor the match or exhibition is issued under § 41-5-1, to be held by thedivision in escrow until the services are rendered.
(c) No boxer shall be permitted to box unless, not more thanthree (3) hours before, a physician, licensed under this chapter, shallcertify, in writing, that the boxer is physically fit to engage in the proposedcontest. The certification shall be based in part on an examination of theboxer by a duly licensed physician in the office of the division on the morningof the match or exhibition or at least six (6) hours before the boxer isscheduled to enter the ring, whichever is earlier. The physician's fee, asfixed by the division, shall be paid by the licensee conducting the match orexhibition prior to the issuance of the certification by the physician. In theevent that a boxer cannot be certified as physically fit to engage in theproposed contest, then such fact shall be made known to the public prior to theacceptance of an admission fee or the tender of an admission ticket for thematch or exhibition. Any person who pays an admission fee prior to thedisclosure that the boxer is not certified as physically fit shall, at his orher election, be entitled to an immediate refund of the admission fee. Theexaminations required by this section shall include an examination of theboxer's vision and eye condition.