§ 41-5-13.1 Physical knockouts. (a) Any boxer suffering a physical knockout during a boxing or sparring matchor exhibition licensed under § 41-5-1 shall, at the request of his or hermanager or the division of racing and athletics, undergo a magnetic resonantimaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) test scan within twenty-four (24)hours of the request. Failure to comply with the request within the prescribedtime shall cause the boxer's license under § 41-5-7 to be revoked byoperation of law and shall render the boxer permanently ineligible for futurelicensing under § 41-5-7.
(b) The license under § 41-5-7 of any boxer sufferingfive (5) physical knockouts in any twelve (12) month period shall be revoked byoperation of law and the boxer shall be permanently ineligible for futurelicensing under § 41-5-7.
(c) Every boxer suffering a physical knockout, at thediscretion of the division of racing and athletics, shall be ineligible toperform in a boxing or sparring match or exhibition licensed under §41-5-1 until sixty (60) days have elapsed following the date of the knockout.The license under § 41-5-7 of every boxer shall be revoked by operation oflaw whenever he or she suffers a physical knockout.
(d) Every boxer suffering a physical knockout during a boxingor sparring match or exhibition licensed under § 41-5-1 shall submit to anexamination by the physician in attendance immediately following his or herremoval from the ring and shall within two (2) hours of the knockout submit toa complete examination at a local hospital named by the physician in attendance.