§ 41-5-20 Injunction and abatement ofunauthorized matches. The superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity upon any information filedby the division of racing and athletics, the attorney general of the state, thepolice authorities of the city or town in which the boxing or sparring match orexhibition is held or is announced to be held, or of any five (5) legal votersof the state, stating that a certain building, tenement, or place is used forboxing or sparring matches or exhibitions by an individual, group, partnership,club, corporation, or association which is not licensed under this chapter, orcontrary to the terms of this chapter, or that a boxing or sparring match orexhibition is being advertised or announced, or has been advertised orannounced to take place in a certain building or place, or that a certainindividual, club, corporation, or association is selling, exchanging, or givingaway tickets, tokens, or symbols purporting to entitle the holder to the rightor privilege of attending a certain boxing or sparring match or exhibitionwhich is not licensed by the division and is contrary to this chapter, toenjoin and abate the unauthorized match as a common nuisance.