§ 41-5-3.1 Required information onapplication. (a) In addition to such other information and references as the division ofracing and athletics may require, an application for a license under §41-5-1 shall be sworn to by the applicant under oath upon the pains andpenalties of perjury and shall include:
(1) A card or schedule of all persons who will perform asboxers in the boxing or sparring match or exhibition for which the license issought;
(2) The full legal name of each person, every professional orstage name used by him or her, and his or her date of birth and social securitynumber;
(3) A current passport type photograph of each person;
(4) The complete fight record of each person for the nine (9)months prior to the boxing or sparring match or exhibition for which thelicense is sought, including the full legal name of his or her opponent, anyprofessional or stage name used by his or her opponent at the time of the matchor exhibition, and the date, place, and result of the match or exhibition;
(5) An itemization of the gross receipts and the expensesanticipated by the applicant in the conduct of the boxing or sparring match orexhibition for which the license is sought;
(6) A detailed summary of the contractual agreement betweenthe applicant and each person who will perform as a boxer in the boxing orsparring match or exhibition for which the license is sought, including, amongother things, the pecuniary gain or other consideration to be paid to or onbehalf of each person by reason of his or her performance in the match orexhibition; and
(7) The name, date of birth, and social security number ofthe person who will collect, hold, and transmit to the general treasurer onbehalf of the applicant the sums mentioned in § 41-5-15.
(b) Notwithstanding the issuance of a license to an applicantunder § 41-5-1, the license shall not be valid unless the holder thereofshall file with the division a sworn supplementary application updating theoriginal application. The supplementary application shall be filed not morethan thirty-six (36) nor less than twelve (12) hours prior to the starting timefor the first event in the match or exhibition for which the holder has beenlicensed. In the event that the licensed match or exhibition is scheduled to beheld on a day which is not an ordinary business day for the division, thesupplementary application shall be filed with the division not less than six(6) hours prior to the close of the last ordinary business day for the divisionnext before the scheduled day of the match or exhibition.