§ 41-6-1 Definitions. (a) "Amateur athletic game" shall be construed to mean and include any athleticgame not included within the meaning of the term "professional athletic game."
(b) "Athletic game" shall be construed to mean and includeany game or exhibition of baseball, football, cricket, golf, tennis, track, orathletic game of a similar character played or held in the open air, and alsoany game or exhibition of ice polo, hockey, tennis, track, or athletic game ofa similar character played or held in rinks or other enclosed buildings;provided, however, that the term shall not be construed to mean and includeboxing, sparring or wrestling matches, nor horse racing, trotting, or motorraces.
(c) "Licensing authorities" as used in this chapter shall beconstrued to mean and include the board or bureau of police commissioners, orthe city or town councils of any city or town authorized under the provisionsof chapter 22 of title 5 to grant licenses for shows and exhibitions.
(d) "Professional athletic game" shall be construed to meanand include any athletic game for which a charge is made for admission ortickets thereto, or at which a collection is taken, or for which the playersreceive pay or compensation for their services, or which is managed orconducted for the pay or profit of any person, corporation, or association.