§ 41-6-5 Issuance or denial of license Fees. Except as provided in this chapter, the licensing authorities may approve orreject any application, and if the licensing authorities shall approve anyapplication they may issue a license for the playing or holding of professionalathletic games in accordance therewith on the first day of the week between thehours of one o'clock (1:00 p.m.) in the afternoon and midnight, subject to suchregulations as the licensing authorities may prescribe for the preservation ofgood order and the prevention of disturbances. In the case of every license soissued, said licensing authorities shall charge a license fee not exceeding onehundred dollars ($100) for every single game or exhibition authorized by thelicense and in addition thereto such reasonable sum as the licensingauthorities may deem necessary to reimburse the town or city for policeservices at any game or exhibition so licensed; provided, however, that anyprofessional athletic game, the proceeds of which are to be devoted chiefly tocharitable or religious purposes, may in the discretion of the licensingauthorities be exempted from paying any license fee.