§ 41-7-3 Regulation of operations Licensing. (a) The division of racing and athletics is hereby authorized to license jaialai in the city of Newport. The operation of a fronton shall be under thedivision's supervision. The division is hereby authorized to issue rules andregulations for the supervision of the operations.
(b) Any license granted under the provisions of this chaptershall be subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by the division andshall be subject to suspension or revocation for any cause which the divisionshall deem sufficient after giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity for ahearing at which he or she shall have the right to be represented by counsel.If any license is suspended or revoked, the division shall state the reasonsfor the suspension or revocation and cause an entry of the reasons to be madeon the record books of the division.
(c) Commencing July 1, 2003, the division of racing andathletics shall be prohibited to license jai alai in the city of Newport. Anylicense having been issued and in effect as of that date shall be null and voidand any licensee shall be prohibited from operating thereunder; provided,however, that any entity having been issued a license to operate a jai alaifronton prior to July 1, 2003 shall be deemed a pari-mutuel licensee as definedin § 42-61.2-1 et seq., and a licensee as defined in § 41-11-1 et seq.