§ 41-7-4 Power and duties of the divisionof racing and athletics. In addition to the other powers conferred upon the division of racing andathletics, the division shall carry out the provisions of this chapter, and tothat end, the division may:
(1) Personally or by agent, supervise and check the making ofpari-mutuel pools and wagers and the distribution therefrom;
(2) Fix and set the dates within which any fronton may beoperated; provided, however, there shall be at least one hundred (100) daysannually of the operation; and
(3) Require any applicant for a permit to operate a frontonto file an application under oath setting forth:
(i) The full name of the person, firm, corporation, orassociation, and if a corporation, the name of the state under which it isincorporated, as well as the names of the officers, directors, and stockholdersof the corporation, and their places of residence, or if an association, thename and residence of the members of the association;
(ii) The exact location where it is desired to operate afronton exhibiting the Spanish sport jai alai or pelota;
(iii) Whether or not the fronton is owned or leased, and ifleased, the name, residence, and address of the owners or lessees, or if theowner or lessee be a corporation, the name and address of the officers,directors, and stockholders thereof;
(iv) A statement of the assets and liabilities of the person,firm, corporation, or association making application for the division permit;
(v) Such other information as the division may require.