§ 41-9.1-17 Non-gaming supplier permits. (a) The state lottery division shall issue a non-gaming supplier permit tosuitable persons who supply, sell, lease or repair, or contract to supply,sell, lease or repair, non-gaming devices and supplies, in amounts that in theaggregate exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) per calendar year, tothe holder of a license. A person shall not be entitled to compensation for thesupply, sale, lease or repair of, or a contract to supply, sell, lease, orrepair, non-gaming devices and supplies in amounts that in the aggregate exceedtwo hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) per calendar year, unless they possessa valid non-gaming supplier permit.
(b) The initial fee for a non-gaming supplier permit issuedunder the provisions of this section is one hundred dollars ($100) and therenewal fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100). This fee is required to besubmitted at the time of application and on the anniversary date of theissuance of the permit thereafter. The state lottery division may assess thenon-gaming supplier any costs incurred in testing and approving any devices orsupplies.