§ 41-9.1-2 Legislative findings. The general assembly makes the following findings:
(1) In accord with R.I. Const. Art. VI, § 22, only thepeople of the State of Rhode Island can determine whether the state shouldpursue casino gaming as a source of revenue;
(2) The people should be able to make this determination in amanner that is consistent with the Rhode Island Constitution;
(3) The people should be able to exercise their right andtheir elected representatives should be able to implement the people'sdetermination based upon clear and objective criteria;
(4) A potential casino licensee should be provided with clearand objective criteria;
(5) Casino states have diverse regulatory schemes, but allhave strong legislative and regulatory oversight to ensure integrity of casinooperations and to maintain public confidence;
(6) To ensure the integrity of the commercial casino gamingindustry and its reputation in Rhode Island, commercial casino gaming needs thestrictest possible regulation with law enforcement oversight;
(7) There are socio-economic costs that expanded gaming mayimpose on communities and the state;
(8) Problem gambling already exists in Rhode Island and mayincrease with the introduction of casino gaming;
(9) The state of Rhode Island should follow the lead of othercasino jurisdictions and take measures designed to detect the extent of problemgambling, educate the public, and assure availability of resources fortreatment.