§ 41-9.1-20 Records of state lotterydivision deemed open Exceptions. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter or other chapters, records ofthe state lottery division shall be public records. A record of the statelottery division shall be confidential when the record:
(1) Relates to the background of an applicant and wasprovided by the applicant or a confidential source or informant.
(2) Relates to security measures of the state lotterydivision, an applicant, or a licensee or permittee.
(3) Consists of an applicant's personal history form orquestionnaires, disclosure forms, or financial statements and records.
(4) Relates to surveillance and security techniques,procedures, or practices of the state lottery division, an applicant, or alicensee or permittee.
(5) Relates to trade secrets or design of experimental gamingdevices and equipment.
(6) Consists of proprietary architectural, construction,schematic or engineering plans, blueprints, specifications, computer programsor software, or economic or financial calculations which relate to authorizedgaming activities on the premises where authorized gaming activities areconducted or to be conducted.
(7) Relates to an ongoing investigation of the state lotterydivision into a possible violation by a licensee or permittee, until the statelottery division initiates proposed enforcement action against the licensee orthe permittee and makes the record public in the course thereof.
(8) Results from or is part of a state lottery divisionbackground investigation of an applicant.
(9) Relates to specific financial data concerning casinooperations and results; provided, however, the monthly gross gaming revenueamount shall be publicly disclosed.
(b) Confidential information or data which is obtained by thestate lottery division may not be revealed in whole or in part except in thecourse of the proper administration of this chapter. However, the state lotterydivision or its authorized agents may reveal such information or data to anauthorized agent of any agency of the United States government or to any agentof this state or of any political subdivision of this state, pursuant to rulesand regulations adopted by the state lottery division, or pursuant to a lawfulorder of a court of competent jurisdiction. Notice of the content of anyinformation or data furnished or released pursuant to this section may be givento the applicant or licensee to whom it pertains in a manner prescribed byrules adopted by the state lottery division.
(c) No state lottery division member, employee, agent, orauthorized representative shall disclose, divulge, disseminate, or otherwisetransmit or communicate any confidential state lottery division record,reports, or any confidential information therein, except as permitted in thissection and then only with the approval of the state lottery division.Disclosure of any confidential state lottery division record, report, or anyinformation therein other than as provided in this section shall be grounds forremoval of a state lottery division member or termination of any employee.
(d) All files, records, reports, and other informationpertaining to gaming matters in the possession of the division of state policeor any other state or municipal law enforcement authority, and otherwise notspecifically provided for in this chapter shall be made available to the statelottery division as necessary for the regulation of gaming activities andoperations as provided by law.
(e) The state lottery division shall maintain a file of allapplications for licenses, permits or registrations, and requests for all otherstate lottery division actions or approvals received by the state lotterydivision, together with a record of all action taken with respect to thoseapplications and requests. The file and record shall be open to publicinspection.
(f) The state lottery division shall maintain a file of allbids or proposals for any contract let or entered into by the state lotterydivision together with a record of all action taken with respect to those bids.The file and record shall be open to public inspection.