§ 41-9.1-36 Prohibited conduct Violation as felony Violation as misdemeanor Penalties Presumption Venue. (a) A person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more thanten (10) years or a fine of not more than one hundred thousand dollars($100,000) or both, and shall be barred from receiving or maintaining alicense, for doing any of the following:
(1) Conducting a gaming operation where wagering is used orto be used without a license issued by the state lottery division.
(2) Conducting a gaming operation where wagering is permittedother than in the manner specified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(3) Knowingly providing false testimony to the state lotterydivision or its authorized representative while under oath.
(b) A person commits a felony punishable by imprisonment fornot more than ten (10) years or a fine of not more than one hundred thousanddollars ($100,000) or both, and, in addition, shall be barred for life from agaming operation under the jurisdiction of the state lottery division if theperson does any of the following:
(1) Offers, promises, or gives anything of value or benefitto a person who is connected with a licensee or affiliated company, including,but not limited to, an officer or employee of a casino licensee or holder of anoccupational license pursuant to an agreement or arrangement or with the intentthat the offer, promise, or thing of value or benefit will influence theactions of the person to whom the offer, promise, or gift was made in order toaffect or attempt to affect the outcome of a gambling game.
(2) Solicits or knowingly accepts or receives a promise ofanything of value or benefit while the person is employed by or connected witha licensee, including, but not limited to, an officer or employee of a casinolicensee or holder of an occupational license, pursuant to an understanding orarrangement or with the intent that the promise or thing of value or benefitwill influence the actions of the person to affect or attempt to affect theoutcome of a gambling game.
(c) A person, or an affiliate of a person, is guilty of amisdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or a tenthousand dollar ($10,000) fine, or both, for doing any of the following:
(1) Knowingly making a wager if the person is undertwenty-one (21) years of age or permitting a person under twenty-one (21) yearsof age to make a wager.
(2) Willfully failing to appear before or provide an item tothe state lottery division at the time and place specified in a subpoena orsummons issued by the state lottery division or executive director.
(3) Willfully refusing, without just cause, to testify orprovide items in answer to a subpoena, subpoena duces tecum or summons issuedby the state lottery division or executive director.
(4) Conducting or permitting a person who is not licensed orpermitted pursuant to this chapter to conduct activities required to belicensed or permitted under the casino, occupational, and suppliers licenseeand permittee provisions in this chapter or in rules promulgated by the statelottery division.
(5) Leasing, pledging, borrowing, or loaning money against acasino, supplier, or occupational license or permit.