§ 41-9-1 "Gambling" and "gamblingfacilities" defined. – (a) As used in this chapter, the term "gambling" shall include, but not belimited to, horseracing, dog racing, and jai alai; however, casino gaming shallbe governed by the provisions of chapter 9.1 of title 41. The term "gamblingfacility" as used in this chapter means a building or enclosure in which anygambling activity including, but not limited to, the foregoing is played orconducted.
(b) The term "gambling facility" shall also include anybuilding, enclosure or other improvement designed, constructed, or used inconnection with an overall plan or project involving the establishment of anygambling activity; provided, however, that this sentence shall not apply to anygambling facility licensed prior to July 3, 1998.