§ 42-10.1-2 Purpose. It shall be the purpose and responsibility of the board:
(1) To advise and assist all state departments, authorities,agencies, boards, commissions, and public and quasi-public corporations havingauthority to issue revenue or general obligation bonds or notes with respect toissuance of and financial planning related to all those bonds and notes;
(2) Upon request, to advise and/or assist any city or townand any municipal or regional agency, authority, board, commission, or publicor quasi-public corporation having authority to issue revenue or generalobligation bonds or notes with respect to the issuance and financial planningrelated to those bonds and notes;
(3) To collect, maintain, and provide information on state,municipal and public or quasi-public corporation debt authorization, sold andoutstanding, and serve as a statistical center for all state and municipal debtissues;
(4) To maintain contact with state municipal and public orquasi-public corporation bond issuers, underwriters, credit rating agencies,investors, and others to improve the market for state and local government debtissues;
(5) To undertake or commission studies on methods to reducethe costs and improve credit ratings of state and local debt issues;
(6) To recommend changes in state laws and local practices toimprove the sale and servicing of state and local debts.