§ 42-105-1 Newport and Bristol Countyconvention and visitors' bureau Creation. (a) There is authorized, created and established a public corporation having adistinct legal existence from the state and not constituting a department ofstate government, which is a governmental agency and public instrumentality ofthe municipalities within Newport and Bristol Counties, to be known as the"Newport and Bristol County convention and visitors' bureau" with those powersas are set convention and visitors' bureau" with those powers as are set forthin this chapter.
(b) The exercise by the corporation of the powers conferredby this chapter shall be deemed and held to be the performance of an essentialgovernmental function of the municipalities within Newport and Bristol Countyfor public purposes. It is the intent of the general assembly by the passageof this chapter, to vest in the corporation all powers, authority, rights,privileges, and titles which may be necessary to enable it to accomplish thepurposes herein set forth, and this chapter and the powers granted hereby shallbe liberally construed in conformity with those purposes.
(c) The corporation and its corporate existence shallcontinue until terminated by law or until the corporation shall cease entirelyand continuously to conduct or be involved in any business whatsoever in thefurtherance of its purposes.
(2) Upon termination of the existence of the corporation, allits rights and properties shall pass to and be vested in the state. At no timeshall the assets or other property of the corporation inure to the benefit ofany person or other corporation or entity.