§ 42-105-2 Composition. (a) The Newport and Bristol County convention and visitors' bureau shall becomprised of eighteen (18) members who are residents of Newport and BristolCounties.
(2) All members of the bureau as of September 1, 2005 shallcease to be members of the authority on September 1, 2005, and the bureau shallthereupon be reconstituted as follows:
(i) Three (3) members shall be appointed by the Newport CityCouncil; two (2) of whom shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(ii) Three (3) members shall be appointed by the MiddletownTown Council; two (2) of whom shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(iii) One member shall be appointed by the Jamestown TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(iv) One member shall be appointed by the Portsmouth TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(v) One member shall be appointed by the Tiverton TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(vi) One member shall be appointed by the Little Compton TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(vii) One member shall be appointed by the Bristol TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(viii) One member shall be appointed by the Warren TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry;
(ix) One member shall be appointed by the Barrington TownCouncil who shall be associated with the hospitality industry; and
(x) Those members appointed pursuant to paragraph (i) (ix) shall thereupon appoint five (5) members, who shall be:
(A) One representative of hotels of more than one hundred(100) rooms;
(B) One representative of hotels, inns or bed-and-breakfastsof less than one hundred (100) rooms;
(C) One representative of the restaurant industry;
(D) One representative of the attractions industry; and
(E) One member of the general public to serve as an at-largerepresentative who shall be associated with the hospitality industry.
(3) Those persons initially appointed under paragraphs (2)(i)and (2)(ii) of this section, shall serve initial terms of one year.
(4) Those persons initially appointed under paragraphs(2)(iii), (2)(iv), (2)(v), (2)(vi), (2)(vii), and (2) (viii) under this sectionshall serve initial terms of two (2) years.
(5) Those persons initially appointed under paragraphs(2)(ix) and (2)(x) of this section shall serve an initial term of three (3)years.
(6) Thereafter, all members shall be appointed to serve termsof three (3) years. Members of the bureau shall be eligible for appointment fortwo (2) consecutive terms.
(7) No state legislator shall serve or be otherwise eligiblefor membership on the bureau.
(b) The members of the Newport and Bristol County conventionand visitors' bureau shall serve without compensation and shall be residentsof Newport and Bristol Counties.
(c) The Newport and Bristol County convention and visitors'bureau shall meet every other month at a time to be designated by thechairperson. Special meetings of the authority may be called by the chairpersonin accordance with the open meetings law. The chairperson shall be elected bythe membership of the authority.