§ 42-11.2-15 Annual report. On or before January 15 of each calendar year, the executive department shallpublish an annual report regarding its administration of the affordable housingopportunity program established under this chapter during the precedingcalendar year, and shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) The number of applications for assistance under thischapter received by the executive department.
(2) The number of applications receiving a commitment forassistance under this chapter by the executive department.
(3) For each application received by the executivedepartment, the following information:
(i) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
(ii) The date of submission of the application;
(iii) The name and address of all persons or entities havingan ownership interest or other equity interest in the property which is thesubject of the application for assistance;
(iv) The total number of dwelling units contained in thedevelopment;
(v) The total number of units for which assistance under thischapter is sought;
(vi) The address or location of the property which is thesubject of the application;
(vii) Whether the application is for acquisition,construction, or substantial rehabilitation of currently available dwellingunits;
(viii) The number of elderly units, units accessible topeople with disabilities and family units for which assistance under thischapter is sought;
(ix) Whether the application received a commitment forassistance under this chapter; and
(x) If the application did not receive a commitment forassistance, a short statement of the reasons why assistance was not or will notbe provided.
(4) The total number of units which have received assistanceunder this chapter since the inception of the affordable housing opportunityprogram.
(5) Total funding remaining under the affordable housingopportunity program for the current fiscal year.