§ 42-11.2-2 Legislative purpose. The general assembly recognizes and declares the following purpose for enactingthis chapter:
(1) There exists a serious shortage of decent, safe, andsanitary rental housing units that are available at rents affordable tolow-income families in Rhode Island. Many families are denied access to decenthousing because they are unable to meet the higher cost of rent. Rising housingcosts in Rhode Island force low-income families to live in unsafe, substandardunits; commit such an unreasonably high percentage of their income for rentthat they deprive themselves of the other necessities of life; or, worse, findthemselves without housing. The inadequacy in the supply of decent, safe, andsanitary affordable rental housing endangers the public health and jeopardizesthe public safety, general welfare, and good of the entire state.
(2) Federal housing assistance programs have not been able tomeet the need to preserve existing rental units or construct new rental unitsfor occupancy by low-income families. There is a compelling need to providehousing for low-income families in the state of Rhode Island. A rentalassistance program is hereby established to be administered by the executivedepartment to help provide low-income families with the opportunity to afforddecent, safe, and sanitary housing.