§ 42-110-2 Definitions. (a) "Chemical purchasing license" means a license for purchasing definedchemicals which is issued when the department has determined the applicant hasa valid waste water pretreatment system, as evidenced by a copy of thepre-treatment permit issued by and a copy of a current certificate of approvaland operability issued by the municipality or other entity whose sewage workspotentially receives the effluent from the applicant's pretreatment system.
(b) "Defined chemicals" means and includes cyanide aspotassium cyanide or sodium cyanide, nickel sulfate or nickel chloride andsoaps and cleaning agents used in association with the processes described insubsection (d).
(c) "Department" as used in this chapter means the departmentof environmental management.
(d) "Metal finishing" as used in this chapter includes thosepersons, firms, or corporations that are subject to pretreatment standardsestablished by the local sewer authority, Rhode Island department ofenvironmental management and/or the United States Environmental ProtectionAgency and who conduct one or more of the following processes: electroplating,electroless plating, coatings, anodizing, etching and chemical milling, barrelfinishing or tumbling which includes vibratory and related wet process massfinishing, burnishing, cleaning, or printed circuit board manufacturing.
(e) "Valid waste water pretreatment plant" means that theperson, firm, or corporation has a pretreatment capability which meets thestandards established by the local sewer authority, Rhode Island department ofenvironmental management and/or United States Environmental Protection Agencyin its regulation entitled "categorical pretreatment for the electroplating andmetal finishing category", and holds a valid industrial waste water dischargepermit.